
We aim to assist blind and visually impaired (VI) parents in safely and independently administering medication to their children. Pilkaboo recognizes medication packaging to provide relevant information, such as precautions for children, warnings for potential allergic reactions, and expiration dates, and help with the proper intake of liquid medication by confirming the process of pouring the recommended amount in real time and checking the remaining amount of liquid medication. We present this service in a user-friendly interface for blind and VI parents by utilizing semantic labels, imitating the user interactions of screen readers in the application interface, and providing customizable and noticeable interface components.

Key Service

Medication Recognition

Assists visually impaired users by identifying medication(s) through visual input, and provides essential details

Key Service

Accurate Liquid Medication Intake

Confirms the process of pouring the required amount of liquid medication in real time

Key Service

Remaining Liquid Medication

Checks the remaining amount of liquid medication

All three services are designed to be accessible with audio guidance through screen readers and sound variations to ensure that the application provides a seamless, user-friendly service. We aim to enhance medication safety, adherence, and accessibility, contributing significantly to the user's health and wellbeing.

We aim to solve

Our service directly contributes to improving the quality of life for visually impaired individuals, thereby aligning with the broader objectives of the UNSDGs to leave no one behind and to ensure inclusivity and equality. It bridges significant gaps in healthcare accessibility and information dissemination, fostering a more inclusive society where people with disabilities have better access to healthcare services and support.


Contribution to Healthcare:
Our service improves accessibility to medication information, supporting informed healthcare management for VI parents, and contributing to improving health coverage and promoting well-being.

Access to education:
By offering audio guidance about medications, our solution instructs VI parents to independently and safely manage their children's medication. Equal access to health information will foster a more inclusive educational environment and eliminate educational disparities for VI parents.

Reducing inequalities:
Our solution addresses the inequality faced by VI parents in accessing accurate medication information and administering medication safely to their children. By providing accessible tools and support, we strive to reduce disparities and empower all parents to care for their children's health effectively, regardless of their visual abilities.

Technology Stack

Flutter Go TensorFlow Google Cloud

Team Parkour

Kang Heejin
Kang Heejin



Kim Jihoon
Kim Jihoon


Yu Yeong Hyeon
Yu Yeong Hyeon
